Nose breathing is good, mouth breathing is bad


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 Mouth Breathing vs Nose Breathing

Mouth breathing is a common condition that can have serious health consequences. Although mouth breathing is often considered normal, it can shorten your life by a decade or more.

Mouth breathing occurs when the nose cannot adequately filter and humidify the air. This can be due to several factors, such as allergies, a deviated septum, or a blockage in the nose. However, mouth breathing is most commonly a habit that is picked up in childhood.

Mouth breathing has many deleterious health effects, such as:

  • affecting the development of the jaws and teeth
  • reducing the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain
  • increasing the risk of respiratory infections
  •  causing dry mouth and bad breath


Mouth breathing has many detrimental health effects
Mouth breathing habits can be changed.
The Importance of Nose Breathing
When we breathe through our mouths, our bodies work harder to get the same amount of oxygen.
Mouth breathing can have several detrimental effects on our health, including:
  • affecting the development of the jaws and teeth
  • reducing the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain
  •  increasing the risk of respiratory infections
  • causing dry mouth and bad breath



When we breathe through our noses, we take in air that is already filtered and humidified. This air is then warmed and moistened as it passes through the nose. Nose breathing also forces us to take shallower breaths, which helps to improve the efficiency of our lungs.

Nose breathing is the body’s preferred way of getting air into the lungs and has many benefits, including:

  •  providing better oxygenation of the blood
  •  helping to humidify and filter the air
  •  promoting the health of the respiratory system.

Other benefits of nose breathing include improved concentration and mental clarity, reduced anxiety and stress, improved quality sleep, and enhanced immune function.


How to improve nose breathing
There are many ways of improving nose breathing



How to Improve Your Nose Breathing


If you are a mouth breather, there are several things you can do to improve your nose breathing.

  • Treat any conditions that may be causing nose blockages, such as allergies or a deviated septum.
  • Use nasal sprays
  • Sinus clearing medication
  • Nasal Rinsing with saline solutions (Neil-med or Neti-pots)
  • Practice diaphragmatic breathing exercises.
  •  Avoid mouth breathing during exercise.
  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.
  • Try nasal strips or other devices to improve nasal airflow.
  • If you breathe through your mouth during sleep, try mouth taping.


Yoga technique– with your thumb, block one nostril and breathe in through the open nostril- use your finger to block the other nostril and remove your thumb and breathe out. Repeat until your nose feels clear- you can alternate which nostril you breathe in and out of- some people find resting the forefinger in the middle of the forehead helps.


Buteyko technique – here is a  breathing exercise you can try, or you can watch a quick video which will guide you through a set of 5-minute breathing exercises.

In sitting, breathe out, close your mouth, pinch the nostrils closed and gently nod your head until you get the urge to breathe; keep the mouth closed, remove your hand from your nose and breathe softly through your nose. If the nose is not cleared, repeat the exercise up to 4 times.




The Buteyko Method is a treatment method based on formal breathing exercises which help normalise and improve breathing


If you or someone you know is a mouth breather, it is essential to seek treatment as soon as possible. Untreated, mouth breathing can have a profound negative impact on your health and shorten your life expectancy.

Tomasz Mazgaj – All Rights Reserved